Monday, June 30, 2014

Art Terms for the Final Exam on Tues, July 8th

The Sorrows of the King, Henri Matisse,
1952, Gouache on paper on canvas,
Pompidou Centre, Paris
(His final self portrait)
Remember to include art terms into the 10 minute final presentation of your Icarus.

The visual vocabulary or the ten (10) elements of art listed in your book include:
Line, Shape, Form, Volume, Mass, Texture, Value, Space, Color, Time and Motion
Portrait of L.N. Delekorskaya,
Henri Matisse, 1947,
oil on canvas,
Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia

The 10 principles of art or the rules of art grammar listed in your book include:
Contrast, Unity, Variety, Balance, Scale, Proportion, Emphasis, Focal Point, Pattern, Rhythm

No, you do not have to talk about each and every term.  You do need to talk about the terms that pertain to your final art work.  Include how you decided upon your elements and how you problem solved toward the final work.

Blue Nude , Henri Matisse, 1952,
Gouache painted paper cut-outs on paper on canvas,
Foundation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel

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